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Magic Data Tech Joins INTERSPEECH 2021 | "Annotator® 5.0 SaaS Free Version” Unleashes the Potential of Data Labeling

Date : 2021-08-30     View : 1347

The annual INTERSPEECH, held between August 30, and September 3, 2021, is a global conference organized by International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). The INTERSPEECH 2021 is held in hybrid form, that is participants can join the conference virtually online and physically in Brno, The Czech Republic.

The conference attracts attention within the field and has received over 1,800 registrations. Among all of the participants, besides scholars who will share their latest research outcomes, there are also some speech technology related companies bringing their speech products to the meeting, including Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc.

As a global AI data services provider, Magic Data Tech is delighted to join INTERSPEECH 2021 as sponsor. It is the fifth time Magic Data Tech taking part in INTERSPEECH. In addition to data services and proprietary AI training datasets, which is on sale currently, this time, a data labeling tool independently developed by Magic Data Tech—"Annotator® 5.0 SaaS Free Version” also shows up as one of Magic Data Tech’s 3 key products.

"Annotator® 5.0 SaaS Free Version” is designed as "Office for AI" with 4 key features:

· Multi-track: The data labeling outcome is presented in multi-track, easily for user to view;

· Multi-dimension: User-defined label settings— single-choice, multiple-choice and text label can be set;

· 10 GB free storage: each user will have 10 GB storage space for free use;

· Free of registration: no need to download or registration, start labeling by entering in Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser.

We hope the free data annotation tool can free up more and more AI developers and data scientist in data labeling and assist them to achieve better research outcomes.

For more information, please visit Magic Data Tech virtual booth or contact us directly via We are very looking forward to seeing you there!

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